Saturday, February 12, 2011

If You Are Not Part Of The Solution... You Are Part Of The Problem!

Bitching, pissing & moaning, whining, and complaining is easy and all too commonplace. Seriously, start listening to conversations at work, maybe even your own, and see just how much of this negative behavior goes on. What are you doing about the events and circumstances that cause you or others to complain? Nothing? Shame on you! If you are unwilling to take steps to change whatever the situation is that you are complaining about then STFU! In case you are unfamiliar with that acronym, here's a clue... Shut The... You can figure out the rest. If you can't offer a solution or are unwilling to be involved in an effort to create change then you have forfeited your right to complain.

How about this... Step up and be a part of the solution!

Enjoy The Ride...

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