Friday, February 11, 2011

Pain/Pleasure Factor

In my experience as a law enforcement dive team commander, I was often tasked with evaluating the benefit of a given mission versus the risk it would pose to team members executing the mission. This is referred to as the Risk/Benefit Factor.

It's my opinion that we should evaluate our personal and professional relationships in a similar way. Let's call it the Pain/Pleasure Factor. We all have a finite amount of time each day, year, etc. and you get to choose how you spend that time. My advice is that you choose wisely and don't waste time with people who are more of a pain/frustration than they are a pleasure to be around. Make sense? Sure it does.

So look at your interactions through that lens and place a high value on your time. Plain and simple... Don't spend time with people that suck the joy out of life.

Enjoy The Ride...

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