Monday, November 17, 2008

A Call to Action

The world, or at least my view of it, has become a media driven machine. The problem with this is that it seems most of the media has no desire to report anything positive or upbeat. Seriously, take a hard look at your daily news and see what the ratio is between good vs. bad. Better yet, why don't we all just stop watching the crap?

In the last several months all we hear about is the economy being in the tank. I think that some if not all of this has been created by the media "Fear Machine". Yes, there are some people who have lost their jobs and that is unfortunate. However, the majority of people able to work in our country are still working. Yes, some major companies have failed recently or declared bankruptcy. Many, if not all of the companies that have crashed and burned recently have done so due to poor leadership and management and not the economy. Bottom line is, the idiots that were "flying the plane" saw the mountain and refused to change course..... CRASH!!! A great economy would not have saved companies from that.

So here's my call to action and challenge for you:

Stop crying in your beer and complaining about how bad the economy is. Stop repeating the lies and skewed perspectives generated by the media and thereby perpetuating the problem. We can change this, just like the media has done. Let's start a campaign of positivity and refuse to accept anything less than a thriving economy. We live in a country of abundance. The homes we live in, the cars we drive, everything..... Think ABUNDANCE!!!!

Let's turn this around, we have the power and the responsibility to do so!

Just believe!!!

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