Friday, October 24, 2008

Our Economy.... Is it really that bad?

I'm in the business of helping people achieve greater results in their lives. One area that I focus on is mindset. Your outlook on life or mindset can be significantly impacted by the information you "allow" to enter your head. What I mean by that is there is a lot of negative crap (that's a technical term) that we are potentially exposed to everyday via the media, people we associate with, etc. You must learn to treat all of this negativity as if it were radio-active, in other words... AVOID EXPOSURE!!!

I live in Virginia where the current rate of unemployment is 4%. Let's think about that for a second. Generally, about 3% of the overall "employable" population is not employable due to various disabilities, etc. This means that of the total employable population in Virginia only 1% of them are actually unemployed or in a more positive light.... 96% of the total employable population is working. That being said, how bad is the economy really?

Don't let the media machine cloud your view of reality. Stay positive, stay strong, and...

Just believe!!!

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